Home Fruit Tree Care – March 22nd 2025 – Danielson, CT


(Children 8 years and under are free but not recommended, the event is geared towards those interested in learning the material)

DATE: Saturday, March 22nd 2025

TIME: 10:00AM

LOCATION: 731 Upper Maple St. Danielson, CT

Please direct all questions to Joe@eattheplanet.org

15 in stock



Joe Ross, CT arborist and founder of eattheplanet.org, will be teaching a class on home fruit tree care, selection, planting, pruning, and maintenance. Joe is teaming up with Amelia South, herbalist and owner of Black Sun Farm. Amelia has offered her backyard trees to demonstrate on.  We will talk about how to select varieties to meet your goals and how to properly plant them. How to make sure they set fruit and how to properly choose pollination partner trees.  We’ll be demonstrating pruning techniques and show how to properly prune your apple trees based on their age and what your goals are for the tree. We’ll also be discussing potential insect and disease issues and how to manage these.  The class will run approximately 2 hours.


DATE: Saturday, March 22nd 2025

TIME: 10:00AM

LOCATION: 731 Upper Maple St. Danielson, CT

Please direct all questions to Joe@eattheplanet.org